Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Best Facebook Pages: Top 15 Timelines

Good examples of FB Timeline pages from brands from SOCIAL MEDIA SUN.  We'll discuss in class!  #SMMUCLA


With the transition to the Timeline format, the best Facebook pages aren’t just the ones with the best design anymore. It takes a different type of innovation to thoroughly exploit all of the features the new timeline format offers, but some brands have improved their Facebook presence tremendously.

Here’s a compilation of the best Facebook pages of 2012. It seems everyone’s on Facebook these days (even my mother) but when it comes to fan pages, not all are created equal. Each of these brands are doing something unique with the new format, things that will ultimately increase engagement, customer sentiment and awareness. A tried and true method for developing your own great web applications is by studying what has worked for others, refining it and integrating it with your own ideas. Don’t just copy their applications or design, ask yourself what each aspect of the page contributes to the overall experience, and what is the intent of each design element?  You can’t go wrong by taking some inspiration from this list; so without further adieu, here are the 15 best Facebook pages on timeline.  Read the rest here

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