Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Things To Think About To Create A Successful Social Media Campaign

Good info for the new class on structuring a Social Media Marketing Campaign from NEWMEDIACHATTER:

So you want to create a successful marketing campaign using Social Media. I cant say I am shocked as Forrester Predicts Huge Growth for Social Media Marketing. It seems every brand wants to get into the social media and mobile area as these areas are growing like wildfire.

Now, if you came here looking for the exact secret ingredient into a hopefully successful social media campaign, your at the wrong place. If I knew what that was, I would be rich and famous. Oh and living on the beach with lots of Kindles, super fast wifi , Iphones, and.. sorry back to the blog. My point was that this is a document I created that has many items that need to have answered, so I can come up with a campaign that is hopefully putting out the right message to the right people. It is made up mostly of questions I want answered by myself, my team or the client. This helps me figure out what the campaign could possible be.

Feel free to suggest items that should be added, removed or tweaked in the document. (as it is far from perfect)

1. What is the goal?

-Reputation Management
-Brand Awareness
-SEO rankings up
-Increase site traffic
-Increase sales

2.Who is the demo/target we are after? In regards to the demo:

-. Who is likely to be most interested in the content?
- Who does the brand want to communicate with and why?
- What are people currently saying about the brand or business?
- Which type of person is likely to purchase the product or service?
- What tools or online services does the target audience use?
- Which websites does the target audience frequent?
-What dot he target audience have in common with one another?
- What sites are most popular?
- Where is the brands audience now?
- What is the conversation about the brand now?

3. What are the channels we will need to use?

-We need to take the dynamic content to set up multiple channels that direct traffic and attention to the brand. By doing such things as:

-Can we use people of influence?

(This method can work well along side SEO/SEM)

4. What is The Big Idea?
-Is it relevant
-Is it easy to distribute

5. What does the end user get? (why should they join/interact/engage/spread the mess) It could be:


6. What is our ROI? (may not always direct/immediate)

-Better reputation
-Brand Awareness

Random Questions/thoughts

-Why will people spread the mesage? WOM/talk about the campaign/brand? Is it same as what they get out of it?
-You need to be transparent (the best you can)
-Who will manage it?
-Who is the person who will manage feedback, interact, be the face on sites? They will need to interact on customer/target level.

social media visibility = brand awareness + word of mouth = new customer

The cliff notes version:

-What is the purpose
-What is the reward


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