Monday, January 12, 2009

49 Amazing Social Media, Web 2.0 And Internet Stats

Very important statistics from in Web Trends and News

Blogosphere stats

133,000,000 - number of blogs indexed by Technorati since 2002

346,000,000 - number of people globally who read blogs (comScore March 2008)

900,000 - average number of blog posts in a 24 hour period

1,750,000 - number of RSS subscribers to TechCrunch, the most popular Technology blog (January 2009)

77% - percentage of active Internet users who read blogs

55% - percentage of the blogosphere that drinks more than 2 cups of coffee per day (source)

81 - number of languages represented in the blogosphere

59% - percentage of bloggers who have been blogging for at least 2 years


Twitter stats

1,111,991,000 - number of Tweets to date (see an up to the minute count here)

3,000,000 - number of Tweets/day(March 2008) (from TechCrunch)

165,414 - number of followers of the most popular Twitter user (@BarackObama) - but he’s not active

86,078 - number of followers of the most active Twitter user (@kevinrose)

63% - percentage of Twitter users that are male (from Time)

Facebook stats

150,000,000 - number of active users

170 - number of countries/territories that use Facebook

35 - number of different languages used on Facebook

2,600,000,000 - number of minutes global users in aggregate spend on Facebook daily

100 - number of friends the average user has

700,000,000 - number of photos added to Facebook monthly

52,000 - number of applications currently available on Facebook

140 - number of new applications added per day


1 comment:

Dhruv Shah said...

Very good and learning stats...