Thanks to Mark Vanbaale for his tweet today linking to this terrific list of best practices. We'll use this list to spark discussion tonight at the last SMMUCLA class this semester....from Sphinn October 7th, 2008 by Ann Smarty
2. Starbucks posts new offers and also participates in threaded discussions of these offers with their Twitter-followers.
- To offer an alternative customer support option:
3. JetBlue offers Twitter-based customer service (notice, they even provide the customer support employee’s name currently on duty).
4. ComCast offers a friendly Twitter customer support; what I personally like about their profile is the real person photo instead of the company logo.
5. TheHomeDepot “moonlights on Twitter to help their customers.”
- To get closer to customers:
6. Via their Twitter profile Southwest Airlines run non-official, entertaining discussions with their customers.
7. Whole Foods Market asks what their clients like to read and watch, recommends new food podcasts and invites them to the company upcoming events.
8. HRBlock runs ask-and-answer sessions with their customers.
9. Best Buy has built Gina Community to communicate with their customers and friends.
- To react to customers’ feedback:
10. Popeyes answers their clients’ feedback in an entertaining tone and also updates their Twitter listeners of the current deals and discounts.
- To offer an alternative subscription option:
11. ATTNews updates their Twitter-followers of the news published at the site.
12. Forrester Research posts updates of their site recent discussions.
- To post company news:
13. BreakingPoint posts updates of the company and industry news and also discusses it with their Twitter-listeners.
14. Ford posted the company internal news (the account seems abandoned).
15. Samsung has created a Twitter account dedicated to mobile phones and posts both the company (US department) and product news there.
- To promote the corporate blog:
16. Kodak Chief Blogger both posts the company blog updates and discusses them with the company customers.
1 comment:
Great list of folks here and glad to be a part of it (I'm with BreakingPoint ,#16 on the list). In light of recent analyst data that folks don't 'trust' corporate blogs, it seems to me that Twitter has become an honest and transparent way for companies to talk with their community.
I know that for BreakingPoint we have seen substantial marketing success because of Twitter, namely lead generation. But more importantly we've been able to build up an ongoing discussion with our community that will help us throughout the years.
Thanks for the post!
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